God’s Grace

Hi Guys, so I finally did it. It took a lot of self encouragement, encouragement from friends, bathroom talks and well,  good internet connection to actually pull this off but mostly it’s all by God’s grace.

God’s Grace!!! What does that even mean? I used to ask myself this exact question a couple of years back, I remember asking myself this during one of our morning devotion . My mum kept preaching and emphasizing on how God’s grace is the ultimate, the key to success... and I remember thinking to myself “🙄, like God’s grace would work without hardwook.” Silly me!

Have you ever been in a situation where you feel like nothing is working out in your favour? Ever gone through an heartbreak and felt like ‘ damn, I’m never going to get over this’ ? Have you ever lost someone and it hurts so bad, you think you would never be able to smile again?
How did you come out of these? Guess you will say ‘time heals all wounds’ yea? Well, yes it does but not without God’s grace, never without God’s grace.

So I’m not going to go all spiritual on you cos well, I’m not all that spiritual myself , I wish I was. But it felt right to make my first post about Him. He’s the all knowing, the sufficient, ever loving, ever giving God. The God of impossibilities, the God that was, that is and that will be.

Ok, enough.. will continue my bragging  in the other room. Lol.

P.S - I’m open to criticism, constructive criticism though.. don’t come and kill my self esteem. Lol
        Y’all take it easy on me kk, I’m only just learning.
         Grammarians in the building... how far na.. take it easy on your sister oo

WHAT TO EXPECT-  hmmm. To be honest, I have no idea. However, I’m expecting it to be a mixture of whatever thought creeps into my mind plus previous and current experiences(both mine and others).


  1. Hello J. I.

    It has been a while, indeed! I assume all is well with you? I suspect yes.

    So, with the pleasantries done and dusted, lets get to it, shall we?

    Your application of the word, "Grace", captured the true essence of its definition as it applies to man, woman and child.

    It is a divine influence which operates in us all, "some more than others".

    To inspire virtuous impulses of strength, endurance, individual excellence and "all that other good stuff".

    Your contribution was a good read, cheers!

    Beautiful, I will be around this summer; will we meet? Now that's the million dollar question.

    You know me, I know you. Your secret admirer online.


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